So here we are in 2007 and I'm writing a review for a game with 2006 in the title. What can I say? I have a tendency to buy my games out of the bargain bin, and in this case it paid off for me.
I've been a closet wrestling fan for over a decade, which is often difficult here in New Zealand where from time to time the tree hugging hippies get off smoking for a few weeks and have a crack at violence on TV. Somehow they miss the wholesale wars and murder on the national news and focus on things like WWE wrestling. Being the intensely PC society we are becoming the calls of these people are often heard and we have to put up with 6 months of wrestling moved to a 2am time slot or such.
Anyway - I digress a little. The truth is with a game like this I may not need to worry about watching wrestling again when I can create my own action. The quality is excellent on practically every count - the graphic rendering is the best I have seen for a long time - with 3d mapping of all the top wrestlers, as well as real voice dubbing.
The matches are the most realistic I have seen in any of the wrestling games I have played to date. The amount of damage of some moves and the recoveries are still a little funky, but then they are in TV wrestling as well, so I suppose we can't really complain on that account.
The greatest feature of this game though is that it goes it's own direction with the G M mode. When wrestling games started out they were basically just copies of games like Street Fighter with different characters. The G M mode is the final step away from this and allows you to run your own wrestling promotion.
This game is a refreshingly original step for the Wrestling game genre, finally breaking out of the cycle of repackaging the same type of product and providing us with something genuinely new, fresh and exciting. Finally, you will get your monies worth out of this. It's not a game you 'figure out' and stop playing, it's a game that will keep you entertained for a long while to come.
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